Our healthy school lunches are currently prepared by Dolce Ltd catering services on site.
The current menu can be found by following the link below and is also visible on the SchoolGrid booking system:
Children from Reception to Year 6 will eat their lunches in the hall and each year group will have an allocated time.
All Rec, Yr1 and Yr2 children can access hot school lunches at no charge. For junior children the lunches cost £2.58.
Lunches can be booked by families in advance, we recommend discussing the menu at home and chosing together with your child.
If you would like your child to have a packed lunch we ask that it's contents are healthy.
Please ask for a dietary needs form from the school office if your child has any food: allergies, intolerance's, life choices or religious observations.
A healthy packed lunch can be brought in from home. We ask that children do not bring fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate to school. We are a healthy school and aim to promote a balanced diet for all our pupils.
Free School Meals
If your child is in Year 3, 4, 5 or 6, and your circumstances have changed, you may be entitled to free school meals. Check this out by visiting the link below.
If you are unable to complete the form please contact Sam Ashton our Family Support worker who will be able to support you.
You can contact Sam via email: [email protected] or by telephone: 01242 512391
Please be assured that your application will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and it will not affect any other benefits you may be receiving.